The Famous Clayton Christmas Party
Instead of buying each other Christmas gifts, which never made sense to me anyway (it comes from the same bank account!), we decided to use that money on a Christmas party for our…
Get to Know Kat Clayton
I'm originally from Kentucky, born and raised in the foothills of the Appalachians. I attended college at Eastern Kentucky University and earned a degree in Political Science. When I graduated I wasn't sure…
The Patience in Slow Growth
I’m pretty sure I know why people like to buy plants from nurseries. When you buy a flower from a nursery, it’s either already bloomed or just about to bloom. You can see…
We Sold Our House and Moved in With My Parents
We bought our land in December, 2020. At the same time we still owned a home, and we had planned to stay in our current home until our house was built on the…
Get to Know Michael
When I set out to write about my husband, I had something totally different in mind. I was going to give a little background and a few fun facts, but the words carried…
Our Infertility Struggle and the Quebec Connection
After almost 4 years of tests, prescriptions and questions, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and given a 5% chance of ever conceiving naturally without medical intervention such as IVF. It was a daunting…
How We Plan to be Eco-Friendly
One of the key goals of building Acadie Farm, is to do it as green as possible. We have a lot of interest in how we can build and create in a more…
Building A Farm and Raising Two Daughters
We have a four year old and a two year old that we love dearly, but we all know how toddlers. They can be a handful at times. Building a farm from scratch…
How We Found a Name for our Farm
That got me to thinking...the word "Acadia" has a pretty sound to it, and would be a more subtle nod to the French influence I adore. But Acadia is a widely used name…